Dresser remake

Last week I mentioned that I was teaching myself how to refurbish my furniture finds and I hinted at the dresser project I was doing for my darling daughters room, I’m excited to say it’s not only done, but my daughter actually cleaned a path in her room to make room for them!

Here’s the before picture, a blond wood dresser set from the 60’s, complete with burn marks on the top.










So, after a thorough cleaning and a light sand with my orbital sander, I brushed on 2 light coats of Zinsser primer, followed by 3 coats of the same beautiful creamy off white Behr paint I’ve been using on my own bedroom furniture.  Molly wanted some purple to match her bedspread, so I got a sample of  Behr in a dark purple, mixed it about 1 to 4 with Behr glaze, painted that on and wiped it off, so it could settle into the nooks and crannies of the drawer fronts. Last step, 3 coats of glossy water based Polyacrylic.  The hardware was freshened up with purple spray paint, and there ya have it…

Some of what I learned from this project, don’t rely on a foam roller as the end all be all for painting, you’ll get bumps instead of smooth finish. Rolling makes fast work in large projects, but go over it with a good quality brush after to avoid brush strokes.  The 3rd coat of paint I added a little Floetrol to slow the drying down a bit and help eliminate brush marks.


Here they are now!  I think they look pretty good, don’t you?

