Garage Dream!

Confession….I LOVE Craigslist. Seriously, if I have a dream that seems a tad out of reach, I start looking there, which is exactly what I did when I decided I needed to do a garage overhaul.

Start at the beginning. I moved from a house with 2 garages and lots of room in Maine, to a much smaller house and a single car garage in NH… which means, I had a lot of stuff. I pared things down quite a bit after I moved but I don’t think I could ever comfortably move into a single car garage, certainly not if I want to put my car away, have bicycles, a snowblower and so on.  I tried everything, those large plastic shelves you buy at Home Depot (my other favorite shopping hot spot), plastic tubs and crates, and all that did was create what I not so fondly call, ‘visual clutter’. The visual clutter in my garage was driving me crazy.  Yes, I could put my car away, but it never felt right, so my spring cleaning quest was to organize it all…

And thats exactly what I did!  I watched Craigslist for several months and finally found my dream bargain!  Less than $200 (which includes cabinets, hiring a truck and a guy to move the cabinets to my garage and hiring my neighbor to help me install them….I’m in declutter heaven!  (and the car fits too). I even have room to refinish a piece of furniture, let it dry and still pull the car in (albeit carefully).


Anyway, That’s my latest project!  Happy Spring!
